Letter A Apple

Along with our Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler curriculum we made a cute lowercase A apple.

I drew the a pieces of the A on red construction paper, the stem and seeds on brown paper and the leaf on green paper then supervised the children as they cut the pieces out and glued them onto blank paper to form an apple in the shape of an a.

We’ve been doing more “intended outcome” crafts to practice our following direction skills and this was a great exercise for that.

For more Letter A activities and a look at the curriculum we used for our Letter A week click here.

Little Red Hen Craft

Every week we fill up a basket with items that are the color of our color of our week. (Below is a picture of our Orange basket)

For our RED week we watched and listened to the story The Little Red Hen by Josheph Jacobs and then made this cute paper plate little red hen.

(directions: picture is self explanatory)