Letter “A” Apple Trees

While continuing our Letter A week, with Confession of a Homeschooler’s LOTW Curriculum, I made an extra large apple tree for each kiddo then gave them some cut out apples in which they had to write upper and lowercase letter A’s on.

It’s been a little over a month since we studied the Letter A and our Apple Trees still look adorable in our playroom!

Letter A Apple

Along with our Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler curriculum we made a cute lowercase A apple.

I drew the a pieces of the A on red construction paper, the stem and seeds on brown paper and the leaf on green paper then supervised the children as they cut the pieces out and glued them onto blank paper to form an apple in the shape of an a.

We’ve been doing more “intended outcome” crafts to practice our following direction skills and this was a great exercise for that.

For more Letter A activities and a look at the curriculum we used for our Letter A week click here.

Sticker Name Trace

Like our Sticker Shape Trace I had a ton of Easter stickers we needed to use so the kiddos used them to trace their names.

This activity is so easy to put together and it lasts awhile, long enough to prep a lesson or do some laundry. The kids wanted to trace even more letters with stickers when they finished their names. This is a MUST DO activity!!!


ABC Egg Hunt & Match

We had a BLAST with this easy ABC activity. I filled Easter eggs with letters A-Z, hid the eggs then let the kiddos hunt them till all were found. When the eggs were all accounted for the kiddos would open them and match the correct letter to the letters on our playroom ABC rug. If you don’t have an ABC rug you could use flash cards instead. The kids loved it so much they couldn’t wait to do it again!

ABC Egg Dig {In Snow}

Yesterday’s snow was brought indoors for a little ABC recognition and sound practice for the littles.
We filled our block wagon with snow and hid our halved Easter eggs that have our uppercase letters on one half and lowercase letters on the other in the snow.

As the littles dug through the snow they would collect the egg halves in their bowls. They loved playing in the snow while indoors where it was nice and warm {warm enough for Miss Grace to spend the day in her swim suit, obviously she is longing for summer, haha}.

When all the eggs were found we sat down and the littles searched for the correct letters that went with their halves then matched them. I helped very little, but when an egg was matched I had the littles say their sound. They were so proud of their teamwork and one another that they kept praising one another with each success. I loved the high five!

Of course if you don’t have snow you could use other fillers such as water, sand, shaving cream & etc.

Weekly Alphabet Basket

We began preschool homeschooling for Little Miss today and the whole family had great fun going through our Letter A alphabet basket.

This week I put the basket together without help from the kiddos so they could see what it was all about before Little Miss does it on her own for the following weeks. It was really great listening to the kids sound out the items in the basket to be certain they all began with the letter A.

Our basket sits on our homeschool shelf for the kids to grab or add things to throughout the week.
To see what we are mostly up to this week click here for an overview of the curriculum for Letter A that we have chosen, but we have even more planned than this. Little Miss is loving all the worksheets and fun activities so far!!!