Animal Snow Day {Baby Bin}

A few days ago we had our first good snow this winter. With it being Mr. B’s 1st snow day I was too excited to let him discover. I tossed some in a tray then added his favorite animals to play with gnaw on.

I let him discover the cold animals and snow on his own and he was absolutely loving it. While he examined the snow I would tell him “cold snow” and soon enough each time he touched the snow he would look at me and grin waiting for me to tell him once again.

I love to see Mr. B in discovery 🙂

& I must share Mr. B with his aunt, sisters and VERY FIRST SNOWMAN!


ABC Egg Dig {In Snow}

Yesterday’s snow was brought indoors for a little ABC recognition and sound practice for the littles.
We filled our block wagon with snow and hid our halved Easter eggs that have our uppercase letters on one half and lowercase letters on the other in the snow.

As the littles dug through the snow they would collect the egg halves in their bowls. They loved playing in the snow while indoors where it was nice and warm {warm enough for Miss Grace to spend the day in her swim suit, obviously she is longing for summer, haha}.

When all the eggs were found we sat down and the littles searched for the correct letters that went with their halves then matched them. I helped very little, but when an egg was matched I had the littles say their sound. They were so proud of their teamwork and one another that they kept praising one another with each success. I loved the high five!

Of course if you don’t have snow you could use other fillers such as water, sand, shaving cream & etc.

Baby Bins: Little People & Weebles

Mr. B has become very interested in playing so I’ve started tossing random things into bins for him to explore. First up is his Little People and Weebles baby bin; keeping his little hands busy and his spirit content while mommy tended and played with babies with the big girls.

Mr loved removing all the items in his bin one by one, but couldn’t quite get them back into the bin, so he fussed till I encouraged {& showed} him how to fill the bin back up just so he could remove them all again.

I sure hope we don’t start dumping the bins quite yet, it’s nice that its keeping him occupied removing, looking & tasting the items in his bin 😉
Here is his favorite…


Valentine Sensory Bin

Our simple Valentines Day sensory bin contained white rice as our filler. I opted for the uncolored rice because we usually use bright colors for our fillers and I was wanting the colors of our play items to POP. We added red and silver glitter to the rice which we all LOVED. In fact my oldest said it made the bin so beautiful.

In separate containers I provided fake diamonds, red poms, rose petals, fake roses and foam hearts to play with. I also provided a few measuring spoons and trays for sorting and combining the play materials.

This bin encouraged a lot of pretend baking for Valentines like Little Miss’ Rose Cheese Cake and Miss Grace’s Mini Heart Cakes!

I’d love to see your kiddos Valentines Sensory Bin! Please leave me a link here or on the Timeless Adventure Facebook page.

Numbers Sensory Bin

Numbers Sensory Bin:
-colored rice
-4 different types of magnetic numbers (1-9)
-a set of invisible numbers (info at end of post)
-a set of dry erase tracing cards

1. Number Sort: excavate all the numbers and sort them in order.
2. Go Fish: With a magnet wand fish for the numbers. To keep the number you must correctly identify it or it gets tossed back into the bin.
3. Number Hunt: Seek the invisible numbers.
4. Find & Trace: Once a number is removed from the bin you must trace the number on the correct tracing card.


Hot Glue, Invisible Numbers via I Can Teach My Child

They are so fun in the bin 🙂


Ice Boats

We spent our early afternoon on the porch enjoying some ice boat play inspired by Mama Mia’s Heart2Heart.


I provided the girls will a mixing spoon, measuring spoon, sea shells, buckets & four of their mini lalaloopsy dolls along with their ice boats.



While waiting for the ice to begin to melt and the color of the water to change the girls spun their boats around by creating waves, they decorated the ocean bottom and let their dollies take rides on the boats while the boats floated around.



It wasn’t long before the ice boats quickly began to melt, the water changed color and the girls moved everything into one bin. Even after the ice boats were gone the water play continued with the “play props” I provided.

Any kind of water play is a favorite in our home 🙂

Tuesday Tots


Earlier this week I gathered all the necessary materials the kids would need to “build” their own DINOLAND and then I sat back and watched them build their own sensory play bin.

The kids had dirt, water, rocks, leaves, grass, weeds, tree bark & sticks to use and in the end they got to add over 10 Dino’s to the bin for play.



This bin kept them busy for two whole days until DINOLAND was flooded for the use of mud pies, which created its own sensory experience…
Here is Little Miss searching for the Dino’s in the thick mud.


Tuesday Tots