Drink Holder Gift Basket {Baby Shower}

I have another drink holder gift basket idea for you, this time for that special baby that’s on it’s way. This was for our little cousin that should be here in a few more months, hurray 😉

Obviously there isn’t a noticeable theme to this basket because we based what we bought on Mr. B’s (6m) favorite things or things we had to go out and buy bc we didn’t get them at our baby showers.

I’m absolutely addicted to these gift baskets!!!

Drink Holder Gift Basket {4 Tweens}

I helped put together a little birthday gift for a friend of my tween sister’s. They aren’t the closest of friends so we opted for a fun gift basket full of the girls favorite treats.

We filled the bottom with paper Easter grass then poked all the treats into the different sections.

Then we went tissue paper crazy!

I’m loving the drink holder gift baskets and can’t wait to share more with you. Very soon in fact!


Valentines Teacher Gift & A Big Hello!

Hi there! I’m a new member of Timeless Adventures, my name is Sasha and I am a mommy to four little munchkins, Miss Marylee, Little Man, Miss Moo (she has a love for cows!), and Miss Rae. Tiffany is my cousin in law and since we have a lot of the same views and passions she decided to let me blog along beside her! If you have any questions for me please feel free to ask! Now onto the valentines teacher gift!

My oldest daughter Miss Marylee is in kindergarten and we just love her teacher! She is a wonderful lady and has made the transition into our big girls school years so much easier! And so it just seems right to get her something special to show her how much we appreciate her! I saw a few ideas on Pinterest with clipboards and decided to run with it!


At target I found a clipboard that opens to hold different items. I picked up some binder clips, sticky notes, colorful pens, and some cute magnets to add! Target color codes most of their supplies so pick your favorites or mix and match! I also picked up some Valentines pencils in the dollar bins, because a teacher can never have too many of them! And of course a bag of chocolates had to be clipped along! What’s a Valentines gift without some chocolate?! To make it just a bit more special I added her name with alphabet stickers.


I also picked up a card for Miss Marylee to fill out! She wrote the whole card out by herself, only asking for help to stretch (sound out) the words she wasn’t sure how to spell. We have found it extremely helpful to let her put her words together to make a sentence. Sometimes she misses a word she meant to write but she is getting better and better at putting her own thoughts into words on paper. Slowly stretching out the sounds of the words without actually saying the letters usually reminds her of what letter she is trying to think of to spell a word. With a bit of help and encouragement it’s well worth the time to let your child do it on their own!

She even added a picture of her teachers family going to the zoo!

I am excited to be posting here, and look forward to giving you good ideas, helpful advice, and adventures you can do with your children!


“You Color My World” Valentines {Part One}

We have been hard at work for over a week making part of the kids’ valentines gifts for their family and friends. We were given a large bucket of old and broken crayons that had been separated by color which sparked the idea of gifting, made with love, heart shaped crayons.

How to:
-Gather and collect as many old or broken crayons as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends if they have some laying around they would like to get rid of.
-Sort by color
-Remove all paper from crayons
-Break crayons into smaller pieces
We used the baby food jar and boiling water method to melt our crayons, like Fun on a Dime did.
When we FINALLY finished we grouped them together and made a tower of love tied together with yarn.

Our “you color my world” valentines aren’t finished just yet, stay tuned tuned!